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by Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.

A sermon preached at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles
Lord's Day Morning, January 5, 2014

“The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them” (Micah 2:13).

The prophet Micah gave three prophecies of God regathering the Jewish people. In our text we have the first description of the regathering of Israel to the promised land.

One of the great prophecies we have seen with our own eyes is the beginning of that regathering. The nation of Israel was reborn on May 14, 1948. David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of the Jewish state, to be known as the State of Israel. Since then, tens of thousands of Jewish people returned to their homeland. This was just the beginning of what will eventually be the return of all Jews to Israel. The 12th verse of Micah 2 says,

“I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will surely gather the remnant of Israel...” (Micah 2:12).

The great Messianic Jewish scholar Dr. Charles Lee Feinberg said, “The restoration from Babylon through Cyrus cannot exhaust the promise, for it was partial and [Micah] includes ‘all of thee.’ The regathered nation will be brought to one place [Israel]... The promise of verse 12 is heartwarming indeed, but the best of the prediction is yet to come. The people of God will come together again as sheep...The breaker, the one who clears the way and removes the obstacles, will go before them. This is none other than the Messiah of Israel who breaks down every obstacle in the path of His people...When the Messiah clears the way, they will break forth from the enemies’ cities where they have been held captive and will pass through the gates. No one will be able to [stop] their restoration, for the work of their promised Messiah will be effective on their behalf [by] the blessed One of the Lord, the Lord Christ” (Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D., Ph.D., The Minor Prophets, Moody Press, 1982 edition, p. 162).

Dr. Feinberg told us who the “Breaker” is. He is Christ – who will ultimately break down all obstacles and barriers, and lead the entire people of Israel back to their homeland! Yes, Jesus will be the “Breaker” on that great day! He will clear the way for all the Jewish people, from every part of the world, to return to Israel in the millennial Kingdom of Christ.

“The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them” (Micah 2:13).

The one who breaks open the way will lead them into the millennial Kingdom – and His name is the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen! The Apostle John saw Jesus in a vision, coming as “the Breaker” in that day,

“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” (Revelation 19:11-16).

Speaking of that day, Dr. John R. Rice said,

Kingdoms shall fall, and old Satan’s rule
   Shall end with all its tears.
Righteousness fill all the earth, and peace
   Reign for a thousand years!
Sorrow and sighing shall flee away!
   Flee away that glory day!
Garden of Eden restored that day!
   When Jesus comes to reign.
(“When Jesus Comes to Reign” by Dr. John R. Rice, 1895-1980).

Jesus, the Breaker, will break the Devil! He will break every demon, every enemy of Israel, and every enemy of Christianity as well! Hallelujah!

Sorrow and sighing shall flee away!
   Flee away that glory day!
Garden of Eden restored that day!
   When Jesus comes to reign.

But in a real sense Jesus is “the Breaker” even now! Come with me for a few moments as we think of that subject, and the reason Christ is called “the Breaker.”

Jesus has many crowns – and he also has many titles, and many names. The title given in our text is probably the least well known – “the Breaker.” We have often thought of Jesus as “the Lamb” of God. Sometimes we have thought of Him as our great “High Priest.” Often He has been called “the prophet”, and even more often as “the King.” But only very rarely have we heard anyone call Christ “the Breaker.” And yet He is every bit as much “the Breaker” this morning as He will be, when He returns to lead the Jewish people (all of them) back into their ancient homeland – which was unconditionally given to them by God in the time of Abraham (cf. Genesis 12:1; Genesis 15:18; etc.). Jesus will break every chain that holds them back; He will break every nation that tries to stop them; and, yes, He will break forever Satan’s purpose to destroy the Jewish people!

But Jesus is “the Breaker” even now – so it is as correct to call Him “the Breaker” as it is to call Him “the Saviour”! Amen! And Amen! Let us think of some ways that Jesus is “the Breaker” right now – in this present time.

I. First, Jesus broke the power of Satan.

In long ages past Satan rebelled against Almighty God and was cast out of Heaven to the earth. He came in the form of a serpent and beguiled our first mother, and she in turn beguiled Adam, who ate the forbidden fruit. Thus Satan held the entire human race in his deadly power. There seemed no hope of deliverance. But God gave a promise to mankind when He said to that old serpent, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Genesis 3:15).

Ages rolled on, and then, finally, that Seed of the woman was born of Mary in Bethlehem, and soon Jesus began His conflict with the Devil. Right away King Herod, inspired by Satan, tried to kill Him! Then, three times in the wilderness, the Devil tried to throw the Saviour to the ground. But three times Jesus repelled him, crying out, “It is written” – “It is written again” – “For it is written.” It was a difficult fight – but at last Jesus, the Breaker, won the battle. “Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him” (Matthew 4:11).

When Jesus came to Jerusalem the last time, the Devil rallied all his forces against the Saviour. The chief priests and scribes plotted to kill Jesus, “Then entered Satan into Judas” and he went to the chief priests to discuss how he would betray the Saviour. Later that night, Jesus went into the Garden of Gethsemane.

I used to think that the Devil tried to kill Jesus in that Garden. Yet I always wondered why Satan is never mentioned after he enters into Judas. He is never heard from again in the four Gospels. I think this could be the reason: When God put the sins of the world into Jesus’ body, the Saviour began to sweat “as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground” (Luke 22:44). The Devil cannot bear to look on the Blood of Christ, so he left Him alone, “And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him” (Luke 22:43). When attacked by the Devil, in the Book of the Revelation, the Tribulation believers “overcame him by the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 12:11). I think this could be the case in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Devil was doing his worst, trying to kill Jesus. But when he saw the Blood that Jesus shed, he shrank back into the darkness. Remember that when you are greatly tempted. Plead the Blood! Plead the Blood! Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ!

The conflict was over in the Garden. Jesus went forth from there to the Cross with great dignity and poise. Satan had bruised the heel of Christ, but now Christ bruised Satan’s head. On the Cross, the Saviour bowed his head and cried, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Satan’s head was bruised. He was now a defeated enemy. He can do evil on the earth, but nevermore can he defeat Christ. By the shedding of His Blood, and by His resurrection from the dead, Jesus has broken the power of Satan. When He shed His precious Blood on the Cross and rose bodily, flesh and bone, from the dead, He crushed the Devil’s head, He broke the Devil’s power when He triumphed over sin, Hell, and the grave! When you are hectored and tested by the power of Satan, do not despair, my Christian friend, your enemy is a broken enemy, and a confused and conquered one at that!

Jesus breaks every fetter,
   Jesus breaks every fetter,
Jesus breaks every fetter,
   And He sets me free!
(“Jesus Breaks Every Fetter” by Janie West Metzgar, 1927).

If you are a Christian, you need not fear Satan. He is a broken adversary, a doomed and defanged enemy! He can worry you, and pester you, but he cannot destroy you! Christ, the Breaker, has gone before you. Now you only have to fight against an enemy that has already been overcome. That’s for the Christians. The rest is for you who are still lost.

II. Second, Jesus breaks the hearts of sinners.

The hearts of lost sinners are very hard. I preach on sin, and Hell, and the Last Judgment. The sinner trembles for a moment – but he wipes the tears away before he leaves the church building. Smiling and laughing by the time he reaches the parking lot, he rushes to commit new sins an hour or two later! The law and the terrors of Hell only harden his heart.

At another time I preach on the love of God, or forgiveness by the Saviour’s substitute for our sins. I sometimes preach until my own eyes are full of tears. I preach on the suffering of Jesus on the Cross, or on His precious Blood in Heaven. Again, your heart is moved. But very soon it is as unmoved as ever, and you are singing a happy song, and laughing with your friends, as you walk away from our church!

Some of you have mothers who cry for you when they pray, and yet your heart is unmoved. Some have fathers who warn them, but it does not change your heart. Some of you have sat in front of our associate pastor, Dr. Cagan, many times. He looked at you with those piercing blue eyes and pleaded with you to trust Jesus. But you refused. You got out of your chair and walked away as though he were an ignorant and unimportant person! The man has earned two Ph.D.s, one in mathematics and the other in apologetics and religion. He has a Master’s degree from Talbot Theological Seminary as well! He has nearly 40 years of experience in counselling lost sinners. Yet you feel that he has nothing important to say to you! You get up and leave the inquiry room quickly – and forget everything he told you!

When I stand up to preach a sermon, I know there will be those who snicker and laugh about what I say – not so much now that I’m older. But when I was young they often mocked me, and laughed at me. There are still some who come with a strange glint in their eyes, thinking, “Who is this fellow? How dare he probe me like that?” They sense that what I say is true, but they will not humble themselves to let the truth change them, and draw them to Jesus.

I have spent well over three-fourths of my life in deep study of Christianity and conversion. I have three earned doctor’s degrees, and have written several books on conversion, but you look at me and think, “What does he know about it?”

But when Jesus the “Breaker” comes to you, before Dr. Cagan and me, then the work of breaking sinner’s hearts is easy! We have not been able to break their hearts, but Jesus has broken them! I am thinking just now of a beautiful girl who always came to the inquiry room with a very ugly, hardened look on her face. But then one night, she came with a soft, broken look. Jesus, the breaker of hardened hearts, had come to her. Why, then, it only took a moment or two to lead her to the Saviour! Jesus, the “Breaker,” had softened her heart before I spoke to her that evening!

Jesus breaks every fetter,
   Jesus breaks every fetter,
Jesus breaks every fetter,
   And He sets me free.

III. Third, Jesus breaks the chains of sin.

There is someone sitting here in church this morning who is in chains. He does not know it. He thinks he is free. But he is a prisoner. He thinks he can go anywhere he wants. But he has no more freedom than a condemned prisoner. He can only walk around and around his prison cell, and look through the bars on the window. So, some of you sit here this morning who are condemned already, because you refuse to come to Christ.

By long years of experience, a preacher can often tell those who are bound by pornography. They have a certain furtive, skulking look which betrays the foul act that has them bound in chains. Often a preacher can tell those who are enslaved by alcohol or drugs, or other vices. He can even tell those who are very proud, and stiffnecked in their pride. And very often, by long experience, he can tell those who are bound in the chains of hopelessness. He doesn’t have to ask. He knows – like an old doctor, who can often tell what’s wrong with a patient just by looking at him.

But Jesus is the “Breaker.” Charles Wesley said,

He breaks the power of cancelled sin,
   He sets the prisoner free;
His blood can make the foulest clean;
   His blood availed for me!
(“O For a Thousand Tongues” by Charles Wesley, 1707-1788).

Slaves! Slaves! SLAVES! Christ has told me to say that He can make you free! He comes, He comes, the Breaker of chains comes to sinners! He can free you from the sin that nags at you. He can free you from that habit that enslaves you! He can free you from the doubts and fears that have imprisoned you!

Some time ago an older lady said, “You’ll never get me to go to church twice every Sunday!” But soon Jesus, the Breaker, freed her from those stubborn chains, and she is here in church, not only twice on Sunday, but most Saturdays as well. She then protested over and over that she was already saved, though she was not. But soon Jesus, the Breaker, came and freed her mind from those chains of Satan. Then we saw how easily and how quickly she came to Jesus and was saved.

His Blood, shed on the Cross, can cleanse you from all sin. He rose from the dead to give you eternal life. Come to Him now! If you would like to speak with us about being saved by Jesus, please leave your chair and go to the inquiry room now. Dr. Chan, please pray that someone will be saved this morning! Amen.

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Scripture Read Before the Sermon by Mr. Abel Prudhomme: Micah 2:12-13.
Solo Sung Before the Sermon by Mr. Benjamin Kincaid Griffith:
“O For a Thousand Tongues” (by Charles Wesley, 1707-1788)/
“Jesus Breaks Every Fetter” (by Janie West Metzgar, 1927).



by Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.

“The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them” (Micah 2:13).

(Micah 2:12; Revelation 19:11-16)

I.   First, Jesus broke the power of Satan, Genesis 3:15; Matthew 4:11;
Luke 22:44, 43; Revelation 12:11; John 19:30.

II.  Second, Jesus breaks the hearts of sinners.

III. Third, Jesus breaks the chains of sin.